Free keywords:
User interfaces; Artificial neural networks; Programming languages; Kuramoto models; Ecology; Vertex function; Graph theory; Network theory; News and events; Symbolic computation
Simulations of complex systems on networks such
as power grids, with many dfferent types of node
and line dynamics are challenging to build and to
optimize for performance. Available software is
either proprietary or mixes higher-level scripting
languages with low-level compiled languages to
provide a convenient user interface while main-
taining computational efficacy. The emerging
programming language Julia ffers a unique en-
vironment that allows to achieve both within a
single language while overcoming some of the lim-
itations of previous approaches. In this paper we
present our open-source package NetworkDynam-
ics.jl that opens up Julia's potential to the net-
work science community.
This article is based on NetworkDynamics.jl v0.5.