The lpjmlkit R package (Breier et al., 2023) is an open source software that is developed
for handling the open source dynamic global vegetation model (DGVM) LPJmL. It contains
two main modules. One, LPJmL Runner, provides the functionality to create multiple model
configurations and start the corresponding simulations either on a personal computer or on a
high perfomance computing a (HPC) cluster with SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource
Management) support, in both cases requiring a working LPJmL installation. The other,
LPJmL Data, offers a generic function that supports reading both simulation output and model
input data in multiple file formats used by LPJmL. The associated data class LPJmLData
contains both the data and the corresponding metadata to ensure data integrity within a single
instance. LPJmLData objects act as data containers that provide modification functions such
as subsetting or transformations of the data. LPJmLData objects can be exported into various
other common R data formats. In addition to these modules, other functions are included to
facilitate common use cases of LPJmL. This article introduces lpjmlkit, an R package that
serves as an interface to LPJmL to simplify direct work with the model and to enable new
generic software developments based on LPJmL simulations or data.