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Collective Activity Bursting in a Population of Excitable Units Adaptively Coupled to a Pool of Resources


Franovic,  Igor
External Organizations;

Eydam,  Sebastian
External Organizations;


Yanchuk,  Serhiy
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Berner,  Rico
External Organizations;

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Franovic, I., Eydam, S., Yanchuk, S., & Berner, R. (2022). Collective Activity Bursting in a Population of Excitable Units Adaptively Coupled to a Pool of Resources. Frontiers in Network Physiology, 2:. doi:10.3389/fnetp.2022.841829.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_26834
We study the collective dynamics in a population of excitable units (neurons) adaptively interacting with a pool of resources. The resource pool is influenced by the average activity of the population, whereas the feedback from the resources to the population is comprised of components acting homogeneously or inhomogeneously on individual units of the population. Moreover, the resource pool dynamics is assumed to be slow and has an oscillatory degree of freedom. We show that the feedback loop between the population and the resources can give rise to collective activity bursting in the population. To explain the mechanisms behind this emergent phenomenon, we combine the Ott-Antonsen reduction for the collective dynamics of the population and singular perturbation theory to obtain a reduced system describing the interaction between the population mean field and the resources.