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Journal Article

Spatio-temporal changes in the causal interactions among sustainable development goals in china


Chen,  Min
External Organizations;

Cao,  Min
External Organizations;

Zhang,  Junze
External Organizations;


Pradhan,  Prajal
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Guo,  Huadong
External Organizations;

Fu,  Bojie
External Organizations;

Li,  Yue
External Organizations;

Bai,  Yuying
External Organizations;

Chang,  Lijiao
External Organizations;

Chen,  Yu
External Organizations;

Sun,  Zhongchang
External Organizations;

Meadows,  Michael
External Organizations;

Xu,  Zhenci
External Organizations;

Zhu,  Rui
External Organizations;

Wu,  Kai
External Organizations;

Lü ,  Guonian
External Organizations;

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Chen, M., Cao, M., Zhang, J., Pradhan, P., Guo, H., Fu, B., Li, Y., Bai, Y., Chang, L., Chen, Y., Sun, Z., Meadows, M., Xu, Z., Zhu, R., Wu, K., Lü, G. (2023): Spatio-temporal changes in the causal interactions among sustainable development goals in china. - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10, 450.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_28652
Extensive efforts have been dedicated to deciphering the interactions associated with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, these developments are hampered by a lack of efficient strategies to avoid beneficial synergies being offset by harmful trade-offs. To fill these gaps, we used causal diagnosis and network analysis methods to construct 1302 directed networks of SDGs for 31 provinces in China from 2000 to 2020. We observed a dramatic offsetting effect of SDG synergies and trade-offs in China from 2000 to 2020, with approximately 27% of trade-off indicator pairs turning into synergies and about 25% of the synergy indicator pairs turning into trade-offs. However, our findings suggested that prioritising the progress of high-frequency indicators in virtuous cycles could multiply the positive systemic effects of the SDGs. Moreover, controlling the transition from passive to active in the trade-off network of SDGs remains a challenge in advancing the SDGs holistically.