Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Integrated modeling of nature’s role in human well-being: A research agenda


Chaplin-Kramer,  Rebecca
External Organizations;

Polasky,  Stephen
External Organizations;

Alkemade,  Rob
External Organizations;

Burgess,  Neil D.
External Organizations;

Cheung,  William W.L.
External Organizations;

Fetzer,  Ingo
External Organizations;

Harfoot,  Mike
External Organizations;

Hertel,  Thomas W.
External Organizations;

Hill,  Samantha L.L.
External Organizations;

Andrew Johnson,  Justin
External Organizations;

Janse,  Jan H.
External Organizations;


von Jeetze,  Patrick José
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Kim,  HyeJin
External Organizations;

Kuiper,  Jan J.
External Organizations;

Lonsdorf,  Eric
External Organizations;

Leclère,  David
External Organizations;

Mulligan,  Mark
External Organizations;

Peterson,  Garry D.
External Organizations;

Popp,  Alexander
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Roe,  Stephanie
External Organizations;

Schipper,  Aafke M.
External Organizations;

Snäll,  Tord
External Organizations;

van Soesbergen,  Arnout
External Organizations;

Soterroni,  Aline C.
External Organizations;

Stehfest,  Elke
External Organizations;

van Vuuren,  Detlef P.
External Organizations;

Visconti,  Piero
External Organizations;

Wang-Erlandsson,  Lan
External Organizations;

Wells,  Geoff
External Organizations;

Pereira,  Henrique M.
External Organizations;

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Chaplin-Kramer, R., Polasky, S., Alkemade, R., Burgess, N. D., Cheung, W. W., Fetzer, I., Harfoot, M., Hertel, T. W., Hill, S. L., Andrew Johnson, J., Janse, J. H., von Jeetze, P. J., Kim, H., Kuiper, J. J., Lonsdorf, E., Leclère, D., Mulligan, M., Peterson, G. D., Popp, A., Roe, S., Schipper, A. M., Snäll, T., van Soesbergen, A., Soterroni, A. C., Stehfest, E., van Vuuren, D. P., Visconti, P., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Wells, G., Pereira, H. M. (2024): Integrated modeling of nature’s role in human well-being: A research agenda. - Global Environmental Change, 88, 102891.

Integrated assessment models that incorporate biodiversity and ecosystem services could be an important tool for improving our understanding of interconnected social-economic-ecological systems, and for analyzing how policy alternatives can shift future trajectories towards more sustainable development. Despite recent scientific and technological advances, key gaps remain in the scientific community’s ability to deliver information to decision-makers at the pace and scale needed to address sustainability challenges. We identify five research frontiers for integrated social-economic-ecological modeling (primarily focused on terrestrial systems) to incorporate biodiversity and ecosystem services: 1) downscaling impacts of direct and indirect drivers on ecosystems; 2) incorporating feedbacks in ecosystems; 3) linking ecological impacts to human well-being, 4) disaggregating outcomes for distributional equity considerations, and 5) incorporating dynamic feedbacks of ecosystem services on the social-economic system. We discuss progress and challenges along each of these five frontiers and the science-policy linkages needed to move new research and information into action.