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Most Recently Released Items

Abrahão, Gabriel Medeiros; Keppler, Dorothee; Moreno Leiva, Simon; Weindl, Isabelle ...
There are increasing signs that the Global Commons, the biophysical systems that as a whole keep the Earth System stable and resilient and are the f...
Herkel, Sebastian; Billerbeck, Anna; Bürger, Veit; Epp, Julia ...
Der Beitrag zeigt auf, welche Aspekte auf dem Weg zu einem klimaneutralen Gebäudebestand politisch diskutiert werden müssen und welche Punkte aus Sic...
Su, Jingyu; Li, Haoyu; Wang, Ruiqi; Guo, Wei ...
Stock trend prediction is a significant challenge due to the inherent uncertainty and complexity of stock market time series. In this study, we intro...
Enache, Elias; Kozak, Oleksandr; Wunderling, Nico; Vollmer, Jürgen
We consider a dynamical system undergoing a saddle-node bifurcation with an explicitly time-dependent parameter ⁠. The combined dynamics can be consi...