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Most Recently Released Items

Ghosh, Dibakar; Marwan, Norbert; Small, Michael; Zhou, Changsong ...
This Focus Issue covers recent developments in the broad areas of nonlinear dynamics, synchronization, and emergent behavior in dynamical networks. I...
Pawluczuk, Łukasz; Heitzig, Jobst
Integrated human-Earth system models could be a useful tool for interdisciplinary collaboration on sustainability issues. However, it is challenging...
Pradhan, Prajal; Joshi, Sushobhan; Dahal, Kshitij; Hu, Yuanchao ...
Climate change and sustainability linkages provide opportunities to develop and implement synergistic strategies for climate actions and achieve Sust...
Lin, Jian; Chen, Min; Pradhan, Prajal; Wu, Kai ...
Urban trees provide numerous social, economic, and health benefits, and growing and maintaining trees where people live, play, and learn are crucia...