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10162 Items found (descending sorted by Modification Date)
  1. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2009  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Public participation and better environmental dec...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 21 - 34
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  2. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Contribution to Collected Edition  
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Collected Edition
    Source Title: Studie zur klimatischen Entwicklung im Land Brand...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 27 - 45
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  3. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Global change and regional impacts. Water availab...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 43 - 56
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  4. ( )
    Dates: Finally published : 2004  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Aldershot, UK : Ashgate
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: A world environment organization: Solution or thr...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 251 - 262
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  5. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Marburg : Metropolis-Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Messung und Ökonomische Bewertung von Biodiversit...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 235 - 251
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  6. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Global change and regional impacts. Water availab...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 137 - 151
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  7. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2014  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Leipzig : Edition Leipzig
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Historic Gardens and Climate Change
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 54 - 59
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  8. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Global change and regional impacts. Water availab...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 153 - 170
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  9. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Global change and regional impacts. Water availab...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 81 - 86
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  10. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Stuttgart : Schweizerbart
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: International Association of Theoretical and Appl...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 1593 - 1596
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  11. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Milano : Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Community integrated assessment: Modules for coop...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  12. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2004  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: The climate in historical times: Towards a synthe...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 337 - 350
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  13. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2003  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Frankfurt/M: : Peter Lang
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Nachhaltigkeit und globaler Wandel
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 133 - 139
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  14. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Lugano
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Multiscale and multicriterial hydrological valida...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 281 - 286
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  15. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2004  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Wissenschaft & Technik
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Reflection properties of vegetation and soil, wit...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 9 - 29
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  16. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2005  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Münster : Lit-Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Food and nutrition security in the process of glo...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 530 - 547
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  17. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: München : C. Bertelsmann
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Die Jahrhundertflut
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 227 - 244
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  18. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2004  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Wissenschaft & Technik
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Reflection properties of vegetation and soil, wit...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 105 - 120
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  19. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2001  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Impact of human activity on groundwater dynamics
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 331 - 338
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  20. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : WBGU
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Charging the use of global commons
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 3 - 16
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  21. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Klimaszenarien und Derivate - Vorsorge für Region...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 5 - 7
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  22. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2001  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Frascati
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Planetary habitability: Estimating the number of ...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 73 - 78
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  23. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : WBGU
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Entgelte für die Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgü...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 2 - 16
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  24. ( )
    Extraterrestrial Gaias
    Dates: Finally published : 2004  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Scientists debate Gaia: The next century
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 309 - 319
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  25. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Heidelberg : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Challenges of a changing earth
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 151 - 156
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -