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10162 Items found (descending sorted by Modification Date)
  1. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Tokyo : IEICE
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium o...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 231 - 234
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  2. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitig...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 161 - 208
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  3. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitig...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 1001 - 1022
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  4. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Other 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Heidelberg : Spektrum der Wissenschaft
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Die populärste Trickgrafik der Klimaskeptiker
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  5. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Other 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Heidelberg : Spektrum der Wissenschaft
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Grönland im Mittelalter „fast eisfrei“! (+ Update)
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  6. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Newspaper Article 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Newspaper
    Source Title: Spektrum.de - die Woche
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 10 - 11
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  7. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Tokyo : IEICE
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium o...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 435 - 438
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  8. ( )
    Technical Summary
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitig...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 27 - 158
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  9. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitig...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 865 - 950
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  10. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2013  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: 2 Files
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Berlin : Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Methode einer integrierten und erweiterten Vulner...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 251
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  11. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam : IPCC Working Group III Technical Support Unit
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: -
    Source Title: -
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  12. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Report 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Dessau-Roßlau : Umweltbundesamt
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Kosten des Ausbaus erneuerbarer Energien
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 82
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  13. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Other 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Heidelberg : Spektrum der Wissenschaft
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Deutsche Forschungsinstitute zum Meereis-Rekord
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  14. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Identifying nonlinearities by time-reversal asymm...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  15. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Detection of coupling directions with intersystem...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  16. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Bielefeld : Transcript Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Commons: Für eine neue Politik jenseits von Markt...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 473 - 478
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  17. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: München : Fink Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Atmosphären
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 103 - 118
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  18. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 347 - 359
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  19. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 205 - 213
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  20. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 121 - 137
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  21. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Monograph 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: -
    Source Title: -
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  22. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 171 - 178
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  23. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Baden-Baden : Nomos
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: 20 Jahre Recht der Erneuerbaren Energien
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 34 - 50
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  24. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 163 - 170
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  25. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2012  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Dordrecht : Springer
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 33 - 43
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -