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10162 Items found (descending sorted by Modification Date)
  1. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Stuttgart : Theiss Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Das Experiment mit dem Planeten Erde
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 370 - 383
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  2. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: 1 File
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Poznań : Zaklad Badań Środowiska Rolniczego I Leśnego, Polska Akademia Nauk
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Detekcja Zmian Klimatu I Procesów Hydrologicznych
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 105 - 114
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  3. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2002  
    Genre: Newspaper Article 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Newspaper
    Source Title: Süddeutsche Zeitung
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  4. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2001  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Amsterdam : IOS Press
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Perspectives of science in Central and Eastern Eu...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 117 - 124
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  5. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2001  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Maastricht : ICIS
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: IA-focus groups as a participatory tool
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 166 - 190
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  6. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2001  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Amsterdam
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Climate change and megalopolises, assessment of v...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 401
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  7. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2000  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Köln : Wienand Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Wasser
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 124 - 138
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  8. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2000  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: New York : John Wiley & Sons
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Terrain analysis: principles and applications
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 163 - 182
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  9. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2000  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Integrated assessment of climate change: Regulari...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 165 - 186
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  10. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2000  
    Genre: Series 
    Files: -
    Locators: 1 Locator
    Publishing info: Potsdam : Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Weather impacts on natural, social and economic s...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  11. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 2000  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: IAHS 2000
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  12. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1998  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Kiel : IPN Universität Kiel
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Fraktale in der Schule: Didaktischer Stellenwert ...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 274 - 294
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  13. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1998  
    Genre: Series 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam : Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Decadal variability of the thermohaline ocean cir...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  14. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1998  
    Genre: Teaching 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Bericht Armutsworkshop, Bericht Konzept für Dekad...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  15. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1998  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Deutsche Stiftung für internationale Entwicklung
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Syndromes of global change: an integrated analysi...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 66 - 73
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  16. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1996  
    Genre: Other 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Santa Barbara, CA: National Center for Geographical Information and Analysis
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Mesoscale Integrated Modelling of Hydrology and W...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  17. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1996  
    Genre: Series 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam : Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Simulation of soil moisture patterns using a topo...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  18. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1996  
    Genre: Book Chapter 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Landsberg : ecomed
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Book
    Source Title: Globale Umweltveränderungen. Symposium am 17. und...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 107 - 119
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
     : 1 further sources available
  19. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1996  
    Genre: Teaching 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Potsdam-Rehbrücke
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Klimawandel - Ursache, Wirkungen, Strategien
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  20. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Book 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Bonn : Economica
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: World in Transition: The Threat to Soils
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  21. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Book 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Berlin : Springer Verlag
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Welt im Wandel: Wege zur Lösung globaler Umweltpr...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 1 - 248
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  22. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Conference Paper 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Proceedings
    Source Title: Integrated Modelling of Nonpoint Source Pollution...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: 351 - 356
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  23. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Teaching 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Identification of Vulnerable Subregions in the El...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  24. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Teaching 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: -
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Integrated Modelling of Nonpoint Source Pollution...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -
  25. Creators:
    Dates: Finally published : 1995  
    Genre: Teaching 
    Files: -
    Locators: -
    Publishing info: Gelnhausen : Universität Frankfurt
    Event Title: -
    Source Genre: Series
    Source Title: Dynamical Modelling of Calcite Formation in Sedim...
    Volume / Issue: -
    Start / End Page: -
    Sequence Number: -
    Source Publ. Info: -