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  How can diverse national food and land use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative

Mosnier, A., Schmidt-Traub, G., Obersteiner, M., Jones, S., Javalera-Rincon, V., DeClerck, F., Thomson, M., Sperling, F., Harrison, P., Peréz-Guzmán, K., McCord, G. C., Navarro-Garcia, J., Marcos-Martinez, R., Wu, G. C., Poncet, J., Douzal, C., Steinhauser, J., Monjeau, A., Frank, F., Lehtonen, H., Rämö, J., Leach, N., Gonzalez-Abraham, C. E., Kumar Gosh, R., Jha, C., Singh, V., Bai, Z., Jin, X., Ma, L., Strokov, A., Potashnikov, V., Orduña-Cabrera, F., Neubauer, R., Diaz, M., Penescu, L., Domínguez, E. A., Chavarro, J., Pena, A., Basnet, S., Fetzer, I., Baker, J., Zerriffi, H., Reyes Gallardo, R., Bryan, B. A., Hadjikakou, M., Lotze-Campen, H., Stevanović, M., Smith, A., Costa, W., Habiburrachman, A., Immanuel, G., Selomane, O., Daloz, A. S., Andrew, R., van Oort, B., Imanirareba, D., Molla, K. G., Woldeyes, F. B., Soterroni, A. C., Scarabello, M., Ramos, F. M., Boer, R., Winarni, N. L., Supriatna, J., Low, W. S., Fan, A. C. H., Naramabuye, F. X., Niyitanga, F., Olguín, M., Popp, A., Rasche, L., Godfray, C., Hall, J. W., Grundy, M. J., & Wang, X. (in press). How can diverse national food and land use priorities be reconciled with global sustainability targets? Lessons from the FABLE initiative. Sustainability Science.

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Mosnier, Aline, 著者
Schmidt-Traub, Guido, 著者
Obersteiner, Michael, 著者
Jones, Sarah, 著者
Javalera-Rincon, Valeria, 著者
DeClerck, Fabrice, 著者
Thomson, Marcus, 著者
Sperling, Frank, 著者
Harrison, Paula, 著者
Peréz-Guzmán, Katya, 著者
McCord, Gordon Carlos, 著者
Navarro-Garcia, Javier, 著者
Marcos-Martinez, Raymundo, 著者
Wu, Grace C., 著者
Poncet, Jordan, 著者
Douzal, Clara, 著者
Steinhauser, Jan, 著者
Monjeau, Adrian, 著者
Frank, Federico, 著者
Lehtonen, Heikki, 著者
Rämö, Janne, 著者Leach, Nicholas, 著者Gonzalez-Abraham, Charlotte E., 著者Kumar Gosh, Ranjan, 著者Jha, Chandan, 著者Singh, Vartika, 著者Bai, Zhaohai, 著者Jin, Xinpeng, 著者Ma, Lin, 著者Strokov, Anton, 著者Potashnikov, Vladimir, 著者Orduña-Cabrera, Fernando, 著者Neubauer, Rudolf, 著者Diaz, Maria, 著者Penescu, Liviu, 著者Domínguez, Efraín Antonio, 著者Chavarro, John, 著者Pena, Andres, 著者Basnet, Shyam, 著者Fetzer, Ingo, 著者Baker, Justin, 著者Zerriffi, Hisham, 著者Reyes Gallardo, René, 著者Bryan, Brett Anthony, 著者Hadjikakou, Michaelis, 著者Lotze-Campen, Hermann1, 著者              Stevanović, Miodrag1, 著者              Smith, Alson2, 著者Costa, Wanderson2, 著者Habiburrachman, A.H.F.2, 著者Immanuel, Gito2, 著者Selomane, Odirilwe2, 著者Daloz, Anne Sophie2, 著者Andrew, Robbie2, 著者van Oort, Bob2, 著者Imanirareba, Dative2, 著者Molla, Kiflu Gedefe2, 著者Woldeyes, Firew Bekele2, 著者Soterroni, Aline C.2, 著者Scarabello, Marluce2, 著者Ramos, Fernando M:2, 著者Boer, Rizaldi2, 著者Winarni, Nurul Laksmi2, 著者Supriatna, Jatna2, 著者Low, Wai Sern2, 著者Fan, Andrew Chiah Howe2, 著者Naramabuye, François Xavier2, 著者Niyitanga, Fidèle2, 著者Olguín, Marcela2, 著者Popp, Alexander1, 著者              Rasche, Livia2, 著者Godfray, Charles2, 著者Hall, Jim W.2, 著者Grundy, Mike J.2, 著者Wang, Xiaoxi1, 著者               全て表示
1Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Potsdam, ou_persistent13              
2External Organizations, ou_persistent22              


キーワード: -
 要旨: There is an urgent need for countries to transition their national food and land-use systems toward food and nutritional security, climate stability, and environmental integrity. How can countries satisfy their demands while jointly delivering the required transformative change to achieve global sustainability targets? Here we present a collaborative approach developed with the FABLE -Food, Agriculture, Biodiversity, Land, and bioEnergy- Consortium to reconcile both global and national elements for developing national food and land use system pathways. This approach includes three key features: (1) global targets, (2) country-driven multi-objective pathways, and (3) multiple iterations of pathway refinement informed by both national and international impacts. This approach strengthens policy coherence and highlights where greater national and international ambition is needed to achieve global goals (e.g. the SDGs). We discuss how this could be used to support future climate and biodiversity negotiations and what further developments would be needed.


言語: eng - 英語
 日付: 2022-08-23
 出版の状態: 受理 / 印刷中
 ページ: -
 出版情報: -
 目次: -
 査読: 査読あり
 識別子(DOI, ISBNなど): MDB-ID: No data to archive
PIKDOMAIN: RD2 - Climate Resilience
PIKDOMAIN: RD3 - Transformation Pathways
Organisational keyword: RD2 - Climate Resilience
Organisational keyword: RD3 - Transformation Pathways
Working Group: Land Use and Resilience
Research topic keyword: Biodiversity
Research topic keyword: Climate Policy
Research topic keyword: Economics
Research topic keyword: Food & Agriculture
Research topic keyword: Land use
Research topic keyword: Sustainable Development
Regional keyword: Global
Model / method: MAgPIE
Model / method: Transfer (Knowledge&Technology)
 学位: -





Project information


出版物 1

出版物名: Sustainability Science
種別: 学術雑誌, SCI, Scopus
出版社, 出版地: -
ページ: - 巻号: - 通巻号: - 開始・終了ページ: - 識別子(ISBN, ISSN, DOIなど): CoNE: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/cone/journals/resource/sustainability-science
Publisher: Springer Nature