Cities are pivotal hubs of socioeconomic activities, and consumption
in cities contributes to global environmental pressures. Compiling
city-level multi-regional input-output (MRIO) tables is challenging
due to the scarcity of city-level data. Here we propose an entropybased
framework to construct city-level MRIO tables. We demonstrate
the new construction method and present an analysis of the
carbon footprint of cities in China’s Hebei province. A sensitivity
analysis is conducted by introducing a weight reflecting the heterogeneity
between city and province data, as an important source
of uncertainty is the degree to which cities and provinces have an
identical ratio of intermediate demand to total demand. We compare
consumption-based emissions generated from the new MRIO
to results of the MRIO based on individual city input-output tables.
The findings reveal a large discrepancy in consumption-based emissions
between the two MRIO tables but this is due to conflicting
benchmark data used in the two tables.