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Swarm intelligence occurs when the collective behavior of low-level individuals and their local interactions form an overall pattern of uniform function. Incorporating swarm intelligence allows us to disregard global models when we explore collective cooperation systems that lack any central control. Blockchain is a key technology in the functioning of Bitcoin and combines network and cryptographic algorithms. A group of agents agrees on a particular status and records the protocol without controlling it. Blockchain and other distributed systems, such as ant colony systems, allow the building of “ants” that are more secure, flexible, and successful. We use the principle of blockchain technology and carry out ant colony research to solve three urgent problems. We use new security protocols, system implementations, and business models to generate ant swarm system scenarios. Finally we combine these two technologies to solve the problems of limitation and reduced future potential. Our work opens the door to new business models and approaches that allow ant colony technologies to be applied to a wide range of market applications.