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Extreme weather events are rising at a pace which exceeds expectations based on thermodynamic
arguments only, changing the way we perceive our climate system and climate change issues. Every
year, heatwaves, floods and wildfires, bring death and devastation worldwide, increasing the
evidence about the role of anthropogenic climate change in the increase of extremes. In this
viewpoint article, we summarize some of the most recent extremes and put them in the context of
the most recent research on atmospheric and climate sciences, especially focusing on changes in
thermodynamics and dynamics of the atmosphere. While some changes in extremes are to be
expected and are clearly attributable to rising greenhouse gas emissions, other seem
counterintuitive, highlighting the need for further research in the field. In this context, research on
changes in atmospheric dynamics plays a crucial role in explaining some of these extremes and more
needs to be done to improve our understanding of the physical mechanisms involved.