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Journal Article

In search of determinism-sensitive region to avoid artefacts in recurrence plots


Wendi,  D.
External Organizations;


Marwan,  Norbert
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Merz,  B.
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Wendi, D., Marwan, N., Merz, B. (2018): In search of determinism-sensitive region to avoid artefacts in recurrence plots. - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28, 1, 1850007.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_22435
As an effort to reduce parameter uncertainties in constructing recurrence plots, and in particular to avoid potential artefacts, this paper presents a technique to derive artefact-safe region of parameter sets. This technique exploits both deterministic (incl. chaos) and stochastic signal characteristics of recurrence quantification (i.e. diagonal structures). It is useful when the evaluated signal is known to be deterministic. This study focuses on the recurrence plot generated from the reconstructed phase space in order to represent many real application scenarios when not all variables to describe a system are available (data scarcity). The technique involves random shuffling of the original signal to destroy its original deterministic characteristics. Its purpose is to evaluate whether the determinism values of the original and the shuffled signal remain closely together, and therefore suggesting that the recurrence plot might comprise artefacts. The use of such determinism-sensitive region shall be accompanied by standard embedding optimization approaches, e.g. using indices like false nearest neighbor and mutual information, to result in a more reliable recurrence plot parameterization.