Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Random disordered periodical input induced chaos in discontinuous systems


Liu,  D.
External Organizations;


Xu,  Yong
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Liu, D., Xu, Y. (2019): Random disordered periodical input induced chaos in discontinuous systems. - International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 29, 1, 1950002.

In this paper, we extend the random Melnikov method from stochastic systems with a continuous vector field to discontinuous systems driven by a random disordered periodic input under the assumption that the unperturbed system is a piecewise Hamiltonian system. By measuring the distance of the perturbed stable and unstable manifolds, the nonsmooth random Melnikov process can be derived in detail, and then the mean square criterion for the onset of chaos is established in the statistical sense. It is shown that the threshold for the onset of chaos depends on the stochastic force and a scalar function of hypersurface. Finally, an example is given to analyze the chaotic dynamics using this extended approach, and discuss the effects of noise intensity on the dynamical behaviors of the system. The results indicate that the increase of the noise intensity will result in a chaotic motion of the discontinuous stochastic system and the changes of possible chaotic degree in the phase space. At the same time, the effects of noise intensity on chaos are further investigated through the system response including time history and phase portraits, Poincaré maps and 0