Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Data from Climate Model Ensemble Simulations for the Mesozoic Climate Evolution. V. 2021-02-04


Landwehrs,  Jan Philip
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Feulner,  Georg
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Petri,  Stefan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Sames,  Benjamin
External Organizations;

Wagreich,  Michael
External Organizations;

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Landwehrs, J. P., Feulner, G., Petri, S., Sames, B., Wagreich, M. (2021): Data from Climate Model Ensemble Simulations for the Mesozoic Climate Evolution. V. 2021-02-04.

In “Investigating Mesozoic Climate Trends and Sensitivities with a Large Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations” we study global trends in the climatic evolution through the Mesozoic era (252-66 Ma). The data presented here is the model output on which the results of this manuscript are based. Also included are different boundary condition model input files and scripts to generate the included figures (using the Python programming language in a Jupyter Notebook). The model output is provided in different netcdf files. The data is generated using the coupled ocean-atmosphere model CLIMBER3alpha (Montoya et al. 2005) which models climate globally on a 3.75° x 3.75° (ocean, lon.x lat.) and 22.5° x 7.5° (atmosphere) grid. Please note that data from other research that is shown in the figures in Landwehrs et al. (2021a) is not included in this data publication to avoid copyright issues. Methods The data is model input and output for/from the coupled ocean-atmosphere model CLIMBER3alpha which models climate globally on a 3.75° x 3.75° (ocean, lon.x lat.) and 22.5° x 7.5° (atmosphere) grid.