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A planetary boundary for green water


Wang-Erlandsson,  Lan
External Organizations;


Tobian,  Arne
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

van der Ent,  Ruud J.
External Organizations;

Fetzer,  Ingo
External Organizations;

te Wierik,  Sofie
External Organizations;

Porkka,  Miina
External Organizations;

Staal,  Arie
External Organizations;

Jaramillo,  Fernando
External Organizations;

Dahlmann,  Heindriken
External Organizations;

Singh,  Chandrakant
External Organizations;

Greve,  Peter
External Organizations;


Gerten,  Dieter
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Keys,  Patrick W.
External Organizations;

Gleeson,  Tom
External Organizations;

Cornell,  Sarah E.
External Organizations;

Steffen,  Will
External Organizations;

Bai,  Xuemei
External Organizations;


Rockström,  Johan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Wang-Erlandsson, L., Tobian, A., van der Ent, R. J., Fetzer, I., te Wierik, S., Porkka, M., Staal, A., Jaramillo, F., Dahlmann, H., Singh, C., Greve, P., Gerten, D., Keys, P. W., Gleeson, T., Cornell, S. E., Steffen, W., Bai, X., Rockström, J. (2022 online): A planetary boundary for green water. - Nature Reviews Earth & Environment.

Green water — terrestrial precipitation, evaporation and soil moisture — is fundamental to Earth system dynamics and is now extensively perturbed by human pressures at continental to planetary scales. However, green water lacks explicit consideration in the existing planetary boundaries framework that demarcates a global safe operating space for humanity. In this Perspective, we propose a green water planetary boundary and estimate its current status. The green water planetary boundary can be represented by the percentage of ice-free land area on which root-zone soil moisture deviates from Holocene variability for any month of the year. Provisional estimates of departures from Holocene-like conditions, alongside evidence of widespread deterioration in Earth system functioning, indicate that the green water planetary boundary is already transgressed. Moving forward, research needs to address and account for the role of root-zone soil moisture for Earth system resilience in view of ecohydrological, hydroclimatic and sociohydrological interactions.