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Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: A review


Wunderling,  Nico
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

von der Heydt,  Anna
External Organizations;

Aksenov,  Yevgeny
External Organizations;

Barker,  Stephen
External Organizations;

Bastiaansen,  Robbin
External Organizations;

Brovkin ,  Victor
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Brunetti,  Maura
External Organizations;

Couplet,  Victor
External Organizations;

Kleinen,  Thomas
External Organizations;

Lear,  Caroline H.
External Organizations;

Lohmann,  Johannes
External Organizations;

Roman-Cuesta,  Rosa Maria
External Organizations;

Sinet,  Sacha
External Organizations;

Swingedouw,  Didier
External Organizations;


Winkelmann,  Ricarda
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Anand,  Pallavi
External Organizations;

Barichivich,  Jonathan
External Organizations;

Bathiany,  Sebastian
External Organizations;

Baudena,  Mara
External Organizations;

Bruun,  John T.
External Organizations;

Chiessi,  Christiano M.
External Organizations;

Coxall,  Helen K.
External Organizations;

Docquier,  David
External Organizations;


Donges,  Jonathan Friedemann
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Falkena,  Swinda K. J.
External Organizations;


Klose,  Ann Kristin
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Obura,  David
External Organizations;

Rocha,  Juan
External Organizations;

Rynders,  Stefanie
External Organizations;

Steinert,  Norman Julius
External Organizations;


Willeit,  Matteo
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Wunderling, N., von der Heydt, A., Aksenov, Y., Barker, S., Bastiaansen, R., Brovkin, V., Brunetti, M., Couplet, V., Kleinen, T., Lear, C. H., Lohmann, J., Roman-Cuesta, R. M., Sinet, S., Swingedouw, D., Winkelmann, R., Anand, P., Barichivich, J., Bathiany, S., Baudena, M., Bruun, J. T., Chiessi, C. M., Coxall, H. K., Docquier, D., Donges, J. F., Falkena, S. K. J., Klose, A. K., Obura, D., Rocha, J., Rynders, S., Steinert, N. J., Willeit, M. (2024): Climate tipping point interactions and cascades: A review. - Earth System Dynamics.

Climate tipping elements are large-scale subsystems of the Earth that may transgress critical thresholds (tipping points) under ongoing global warming, with substantial impacts on biosphere and human societies. Frequently studied examples of such tipping elements include the Greenland Ice Sheet, the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, permafrost, monsoon systems, and the Amazon rainforest. While recent scientific efforts have improved our knowledge about individual tipping elements, the interactions between them are less well understood. Also, the potential of individual tipping events to induce additional tipping elsewhere, or stabilize other tipping elements is largely unknown. Here, we map out the current state of the literature on the interactions between climate tipping elements and review the influences between them. To do so, we gathered evidence from model simulations, observations and conceptual understanding, as well as archetypal examples of paleoclimate reconstructions where multi-component or spatially propagating transitions were potentially at play. Lastly, we identify crucial knowledge gaps in tipping element interactions and outline how future research could address those gaps.