Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Planetary Boundaries guide humanity’s future on Earth


Rockström,  Johan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Donges,  Jonathan Friedemann
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Fetzer,  Ingo
External Organizations;


Martin,  Maria A.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Wang-Erlandsson,  Lan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Richardson,  Katherine
External Organizations;

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Rockström, J., Donges, J. F., Fetzer, I., Martin, M. A., Wang-Erlandsson, L., Richardson, K. (2024): Planetary Boundaries guide humanity’s future on Earth. - Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 5, 773-788.

Human pressures have pushed the Earth system deep into the Anthropocene, threatening its stability, resilience and functioning. The Planetary Boundaries (PB) framework emerged against these threats, setting safe levels to the biophysical systems and processes that, with high likelihood, ensure life-supporting Holocene-like conditions. In this Review, we synthesize PB advancements, detailing its emergence and mainstreaming across scientific disciplines and society. The nine PBs capture the key functions regulating the Earth system. The safe operating space has been transgressed for six of these. PB science is essential to prevent further Earth system risks and has sparked new research on the precision of safe boundaries. Human development within planetary boundaries defines sustainable development, informing advances in social sciences. Each PB translates to a finite budget that the world must operate within, requiring strengthened global governance. The PB framework has been adopted by businesses and informed policy across the world, informing new thinking about fundamental justice concerns, and has inspired, among other concepts, the planetary commons, planetary health and doughnut economics. Future work must increase the precision and frequency of PB analyses, and, together with Earth observation data analytics, produce a high-resolution and real-time state of planetary health.