Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





10 New Insights in Climate Science 2022


Future Earth, 
External Organizations;

The Earth League, 
External Organizations;

The World Climate Research Programme, 
External Organizations;

Broadgate,  Wendy
External Organizations;

Bustamante,  Mercedes
External Organizations;

Cleugh,  Helen
External Organizations;

Fuss,  Sabine
External Organizations;

Hsu,  Huang-Hsiung
External Organizations;

Huq,  Saleemul
External Organizations;

Lwasa,  Shuaib
External Organizations;

Mbow,  Cheikh
External Organizations;

Mukherji,  Aditi
External Organizations;

Okereke,  Chukwumerije
External Organizations;

Otto,  Friederike
External Organizations;


Rockström,  Johan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Schipper,  Lisa
External Organizations;

Schlosser,  Peter
External Organizations;

Stammer,  Detlef
External Organizations;

Sutton,  Rowan
External Organizations;


Sedova,  Barbora
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Schwarz,  Luana
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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10NICS 2022 Report.pdf
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Future Earth, The Earth League, The World Climate Research Programme (2022): 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2022, Stockholm.

This report presents 10 salient insights from climate change research, stemming mainly from literature published in 2021 and 2022. Taken together they reveal the complexities of the interactions between climate change and other risks, such as conflicts, pandemics, food crises and underlying development challenges – pushing us ever closer to breaking past the socioecological limits within which people and ecosystems must remain to thrive. The purpose of the publication is not only to identify the mounting impacts of climate change and multiple barriers to climate action, but also to highlight implications and recommendations in support of a way forward for negotiators, policymakers and other relevant actors.