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Journal Article

Policy relevance of IPCC reports for the Sustainable Development Goals and beyond [Editorial]


Pradhan,  Prajal
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Joshi,  Sushobhan
External Organizations;

Dahal,  Kshitij
External Organizations;


Hu,  Yuanchao
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Subedi,  Daya Raj
External Organizations;

Putra,  Muhammad Panji Islam Fajar
External Organizations;

Vaidya,  Shrijana
External Organizations;

Pant,  Laxmi Prasad
External Organizations;

Dhakal,  Shobhakar
External Organizations;

Hubacek,  Klaus
External Organizations;

Rupakheti,  Maheswar
External Organizations;

Roberts,  Debra C.
External Organizations;

van den Hurk ,  Bart
External Organizations;

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Pradhan, P., Joshi, S., Dahal, K., Hu, Y., Subedi, D. R., Putra, M. P. I. F., Vaidya, S., Pant, L. P., Dhakal, S., Hubacek, K., Rupakheti, M., Roberts, D. C., van den Hurk, B. (2025 online): Policy relevance of IPCC reports for the Sustainable Development Goals and beyond [Editorial]. - Resources, Environment and Sustainability, 19, 100192.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_31849
Climate change and sustainability linkages provide opportunities to develop and implement synergistic strategies for climate actions and achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, we synthesize the coverage of SDGs in the IPCC’s fifth and sixth assessment reports at a target level. Based on this reflection, we propose the seventh assessment cycle of the IPCC to cover SDGs holistically, using a systematic approach, breaking the Working Group silos, and contributing to the post-2030 agenda.