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Do benefits from dynamic tariffing rise? Welfare effects of real-time retail pricing under carbon taxation and variable renewable electricity supply


Gambardella,  Christian
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Pahle,  Michael
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Schill,  W.-P.
External Organizations;

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Gambardella, C., Pahle, M., & Schill, W.-P. (2020). Do benefits from dynamic tariffing rise? Welfare effects of real-time retail pricing under carbon taxation and variable renewable electricity supply. Environmental and Resource Economics, 75(1), 183-213. doi:10.1007/s10640-019-00393-0.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_23700
We analyze the gross welfare gains from real-time retail pricing in electricity markets where carbon taxation induces investment in variable renewable technologies. Applying a stylized numerical electricity market model, we find a U-shaped association between carbon taxation and gross welfare gains. The benefits of introducing real-time pricing can accordingly be relatively low at relatively high carbon taxes and vice versa. The non-monotonous change in welfare gains can be explained by corresponding changes in the inefficiency arising from “under-consumption” during low-price periods rather than by changes in wholesale price volatility. Our results may cast doubt on the efficiency of ongoing roll-outs of advanced meters in many electricity markets, since net benefits might only materialize at relatively high carbon tax levels and renewable supply shares.