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Robust fixed-time connectivity preserving consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with disturbance


Sun,  Fenglan
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Wang,  Feng
External Organizations;

Liu,  Peiyong
External Organizations;


Kurths,  Jürgen
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Sun, F., Wang, F., Liu, P., & Kurths, J. (2022). Robust fixed-time connectivity preserving consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems with disturbance. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 32(3), 1469-1486. doi:10.1002/rnc.5895.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_26399
This article studies the fixed-time tracking consensus of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems with disturbance. To make the fixed-time tracking consensus, a consensus protocol based on the integral sliding mode surface is proposed, which can ensure the adjacent agents remain within a limited communication range in the communication process. By adopting Lyapunov stability theory and matrix theory, sufficient conditions for the fixed-time tracking consensus are given, and a bound of the settling time is obtained. Finally, a simulation example is presented to verify the potential correctness of the obtained results.