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Cooperative and Competitive Multi-Agent Systems: From Optimization to Games


Wang,  Jianrui
External Organizations;

Hong,  Yitian
External Organizations;

Wang,  Jiali
External Organizations;

Xu,  Jiapeng
External Organizations;

Tang,  Yang
External Organizations;

Han,  Qing-Long
External Organizations;


Kurths,  Jürgen
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Wang, J., Hong, Y., Wang, J., Xu, J., Tang, Y., Han, Q.-L., & Kurths, J. (2022). Cooperative and Competitive Multi-Agent Systems: From Optimization to Games. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 9(5), 763-783. doi:10.1109/JAS.2022.105506.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_27308
Multi-agent systems can solve scientific issues related to complex systems that are difficult or impossible for a single agent to solve through mutual collaboration and cooperation optimization. In a multi-agent system, agents with a certain degree of autonomy generate complex interactions due to the correlation and coordination, which is manifested as cooperative/competitive behavior. This survey focuses on multi-agent cooperative optimization and cooperative/non-cooperative games. Starting from cooperative optimization, the studies on distributed optimization and federated optimization are summarized. The survey mainly focuses on distributed online optimization and its application in privacy protection, and overviews federated optimization from the perspective of privacy protection mechanisms. Then, cooperative games and non-cooperative games are introduced to expand the cooperative optimization problems from two aspects of minimizing global costs and minimizing individual costs, respectively. Multi-agent cooperative and non-cooperative behaviors are modeled by games from both static and dynamic aspects, according to whether each player can make decisions based on the information of other players. Finally, future directions for cooperative optimization, cooperative/non-cooperative games, and their applications are discussed.