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Noise-induced artificial intelligence


Zhao,  Alex
External Organizations;

Ermolaeva,  Anastasia
External Organizations;

Ullner,  Ekkehard
External Organizations;


Kurths,  Jürgen
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Gordleeva,  Susanna
External Organizations;

Zaikin,  Alexey
External Organizations;

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Zhao, A., Ermolaeva, A., Ullner, E., Kurths, J., Gordleeva, S., & Zaikin, A. (2022). Noise-induced artificial intelligence. Physical Review Research, 4(4):. doi:10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.043069.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_27978
We show that unavoidable stochastic fluctuations are not only affecting information processing in a destructive or constructive way, but may even induce conditions necessary for the artificial intelligence itself. In this proof-of-principle paper we consider a model of a neuron-astrocyte network under the influence of multiplicative noise and show that information encoding (loading, storage, and retrieval of information patterns), one of the paradigmatic signatures of intelligent systems, can be induced by stochastic influence and astrocytes. Hence, astrocytes, recently proved to play an important role in memory and cognitive processing in mammalian brains, may play also an important role in the generation of a system's features providing artificial intelligence functions. Hence, one could conclude that intrinsic stochasticity is probably positively utilized by brains, not only to optimize the signal response but also to induce intelligence itself, and one of the key roles, played by astrocytes in information processing, could be dealing with noises.