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The Keys to the EU’s Climate Neutrality Goal: Forest Carbon and LULUCF


Chikh M'hamed,  Sonia
External Organizations;


Sprinz,  Detlef F.
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Chikh M'hamed, S., & Sprinz, D. F. (2024). The Keys to the EU’s Climate Neutrality Goal: Forest Carbon and LULUCF. In H., Dyrhauge, & K., Kurze (Eds.), Making the European Green Deal Work. EU Sustainability Policies at Home and Abroad (pp. 60-75). Abingdon: Routledge.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_29609
The EU and its member countries have been laggards in using forest carbon to reduce EU emissions. The European Green Deal aims to change this. As part of its long-term emissions reductions, the EU aims to offset this by creating land-based carbon sinks, especially forest carbon sinks as well as carbon capture and storage. This chapter focuses on the role of forest carbon as part of the EU's climate policies towards achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. It furthermore examines the European Commission's proposed forest strategy and its proposal for a revised LULUCF Regulation. The chapter shows that the logic of appropriateness dominates the European Commission's forest policies. Finally, the chapter makes policy recommendations on how the EU could credibly use long-term carbon sinks to achieve climate neutrality.