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Li, Yunfei; Ural, Deniz; Kantelhardt, Jan W.; Rybski, Diego
City systems are characterized by the functional organization of cities on a regional or country scale. While there is a relatively good empirical a...
Dakos, Vasilis; Boulton, Chris A.; Buxton, Joshua E.; Abrams, Jesse F. ...
Tipping points characterize the situation when a system experiences abrupt, rapid, and sometimes irreversible changes in response to only a gradual c...
Li, Qianze; He, Wenping; Xie, Xiaoqiang; Mei, Ying ...
Some studies show that when a dynamical system approaches its critical transition point, the changing spectral exponent can be used as an early warni...
Ben-Yami, Maya; Good, P.; Jackson, L. C.; Crucifix, M. ...
A collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) would have substantial impacts on global precipitation patterns, especially in t...