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van Vuuren, Detlef; Minx, Jan C.; Roy, Joyashree; Lamb, William F. ...
Humans need to cut CO2 emissions rapidly to limit global warming and prevent dangerous climate change. Policies adopted so far in countries worldwide...
Cai, Wenjia; Zhang, Chi; Zhang, Shihui; Bai, Yuqi ...
2023 was a landmark year for climate change globally, across Asia, and within China. Global average temperatures were 1·45°C higher than the pre-indu...
Zhang, Yufei; Dang, Mengyuan; Chu, Chunli; Behrens, Paul ...
The global building sector consumes approximately 30% of final energy, making it crucial for climate change mitigation and adaptation. International ...
Lamb, William; Schleussner, Carl-Friedrich; Grassi, Giacomo; Smith, Stephen M ...
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) involves capturing CO2 from the atmosphere and storing it for decades to millennia. Alongside deep emissions reductions,...