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Jing, Yuxuan; Han, Songlin; Feng, Minyu; Kurths, Jürgen
The emergence of the evolutionary game on complex networks provides a fresh framework for studying cooperation behavior between complex populations. ...
Souza, Diogo L. M.; Gabrick, Enrique C.; Protachevicz, Paulo R.; Borges, Fernando S. ...
The description of neuronal activity has been of great importance in neuroscience. In this field, mathematical models are useful to describe the elec...
Gabrick, Enrique C.; Brugnago, Eduardo; de Souza, Silvio; Iarosz, Kelly ...
We study three different strategies of vaccination in an SEIRS (Susceptible–Exposed–Infected–Recovered–Susceptible) seasonal forced model, which are ...
Everall, Jordan; Tschofenig, Fabian; Donges, Jonathan Friedemann; Otto, Ilona M.
How do social networks tip? A popular theory is that a small minority can affect network, or population wide change. This effect is roughly consisten...