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  Coal transitions-part 1: a systematic map and review of case study learnings from regional, national, and local coal phase-out experiences

Diluiso, F., Walk, P., Manych, N., Cerutti, N., Chipiga, V., Workman, A., Ayas, C., Cui, R. Y., Cui, D., Song, K., Banisch, L. A., Moretti, N., Callaghan, M. W., Clarke, L., Creutzig, F., Hilaire, J., Jotzo, F., Kalkuhl, M., Lamb, W. F., Löschel, A., Müller-Hansen, F., Nemet, G. F., Oei, P.-Y., Sovacool, B. K., Steckel, J. C., Thomas, S., Wiseman, J., Minx, J. C. (2021): Coal transitions-part 1: a systematic map and review of case study learnings from regional, national, and local coal phase-out experiences. - Environmental Research Letters, 16, 11, 113003.

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Diluiso, Francesca1, Autor
Walk, Paula1, Autor
Manych, Niccolò1, Autor
Cerutti, Nicola1, Autor
Chipiga, Vladislav1, Autor
Workman, Annabelle1, Autor
Ayas, Ceren1, Autor
Cui, Ryna Yiyun1, Autor
Cui, Diyang1, Autor
Song, Kaihui1, Autor
Banisch, Lucy A1, Autor
Moretti, Nikolaj1, Autor
Callaghan, Max W1, Autor
Clarke, Leon1, Autor
Creutzig, Felix1, Autor
Hilaire, Jérôme2, Autor              
Jotzo, Frank1, Autor
Kalkuhl, Matthias1, Autor
Lamb, William F.1, Autor
Löschel, Andreas1, Autor
Müller-Hansen, Finn2, Autor              Nemet, Gregory F.1, AutorOei, Pao-Yu1, AutorSovacool, Benjamin K.1, AutorSteckel, Jan Christoph2, Autor              Thomas, Sebastian1, AutorWiseman, John1, AutorMinx, Jan C.1, Autor mehr..
1External Organizations, ou_persistent22              
2Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, ou_persistent13              


Schlagwörter: -
 Zusammenfassung: A rapid coal phase-out is needed to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, but is hindered by serious challenges ranging from vested interests to the risks of social disruption. To understand how to organize a global coal phase-out, it is crucial to go beyond cost-effective climate mitigation scenarios and learn from the experience of previous coal transitions. Despite the relevance of the topic, evidence remains fragmented throughout different research fields, and not easily accessible. To address this gap, this paper provides a systematic map and comprehensive review of the literature on historical coal transitions. We use computer-assisted systematic mapping and review methods to chart and evaluate the available evidence on historical declines in coal production and consumption. We extracted a dataset of 278 case studies from 194 publications, covering coal transitions in 44 countries and ranging from the end of the 19th century until 2021. We find a relatively recent and rapidly expanding body of literature reflecting the growing importance of an early coal phase-out in scientific and political debates. Previous evidence has primarily focused on the United Kingdom, the United States, and Germany, while other countries that experienced large coal declines, like those in Eastern Europe, are strongly underrepresented. An increasing number of studies, mostly published in the last 5 years, has been focusing on China. Most of the countries successfully reducing coal dependency have undergone both demand-side and supply-side transitions. This supports the use of policy approaches targeting both demand and supply to achieve a complete coal phase-out. From a political economy perspective, our dataset highlights that most transitions are driven by rising production costs for coal, falling prices for alternative energies, or local environmental concerns, especially regarding air pollution. The main challenges for coal-dependent regions are structural change transformations, in particular for industry and labor. Rising unemployment is the most largely documented outcome in the sample. Policymakers at multiple levels are instrumental in facilitating coal transitions. They rely mainly on regulatory instruments to foster the transitions and compensation schemes or investment plans to deal with their transformative processes. Even though many models suggest that coal phase-outs are among the low-hanging fruits on the way to climate neutrality and meeting the international climate goals, our case studies analysis highlights the intricate political economy at work that needs to be addressed through well-designed and just policies.


 Datum: 2021-10-212021-10-21
 Publikationsstatus: Final veröffentlicht
 Seiten: -
 Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
 Inhaltsverzeichnis: -
 Art der Begutachtung: Expertenbegutachtung
 Identifikatoren: DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac1b58
PIKDOMAIN: RD3 - Transformation Pathways
Organisational keyword: RD3 - Transformation Pathways
MDB-ID: No data to archive
OATYPE: Gold Open Access
PIKDOMAIN: RD5 - Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
Organisational keyword: RD5 - Climate Economics and Policy - MCC Berlin
Working Group: Climate Policy and Development
 Art des Abschluß: -







Quelle 1

Titel: Environmental Research Letters
Genre der Quelle: Zeitschrift, SCI, Scopus, p3, oa
Ort, Verlag, Ausgabe: -
Seiten: - Band / Heft: 16 (11) Artikelnummer: 113003 Start- / Endseite: - Identifikator: CoNE:
Publisher: IOP Publishing