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CCU and CCS – Building Blocks for Climate Protection in Industry



Bals,  Christoph
External Organizations;

Bellmann,  Erika
External Organizations;

Bode,  Andreas
External Organizations;


Edenhofer,  Ottmar
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Fischedick,  Manfred
External Organizations;

Gaertner,  Lars-Erik
External Organizations;

Gerling,  Peter
External Organizations;

Helseth,  Jonas M.
External Organizations;

Kühn,  Michael
External Organizations;

Liebscher,  Axel
External Organizations;

Olfe-Kräutlein,  Barbara
External Organizations;

Renn,  Ortwin
External Organizations;

Rothermel,  Jörg
External Organizations;

Sievering,  Christoph
External Organizations;

van der Meer,  Rob
External Organizations;

Wagemann,  Kurt
External Organizations;

Weissenberger-Eibl,  Marion A.
External Organizations;

Wenzelides,  Marcus
External Organizations;

Wolff,  Christoph
External Organizations;

Andreas,  Jan-Justus
External Organizations;

Fleiter,  Tobias
External Organizations;

Fuss,  Sabine
External Organizations;

Heisterkamp,  Tim
External Organizations;

Hellriegel,  Mathias
External Organizations;

Krämer,  Dennis
External Organizations;


Luderer,  Gunnar
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Lüngen,  Hans Bodo
External Organizations;

May,  Franz
External Organizations;

Naims,  Henriette
External Organizations;

Paetz,  Andreas
External Organizations;

Pietzner,  Katja
External Organizations;

Scheer,  Dirk
External Organizations;

Treber,  Manfred
External Organizations;

Voß,  Werner
External Organizations;

Wolf,  Simon
External Organizations;

Fulltext (public)
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Supplementary Material (public)
There is no public supplementary material available

acatech, Bals, C., Bellmann, E., Bode, A., Edenhofer, O., Fischedick, M., Gaertner, L.-E., Gerling, P., Helseth, J. M., Kühn, M., Liebscher, A., Olfe-Kräutlein, B., Renn, O., Rothermel, J., Sievering, C., van der Meer, R., Wagemann, K., Weissenberger-Eibl, M. A., Wenzelides, M., Wolff, C., Andreas, J.-J., Fleiter, T., Fuss, S., Heisterkamp, T., Hellriegel, M., Krämer, D., Luderer, G., Lüngen, H. B., May, F., Naims, H., Paetz, A., Pietzner, K., Scheer, D., Treber, M., Voß, W., Wolf, S. (Eds.) (2019): CCU and CCS – Building Blocks for Climate Protection in Industry, (acatech POSITION), München : utzverlag GmbH, 72 p.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_24530
Germany wishes to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 80 to 95 per cent by 2050. However, despite the success to date, the measures which have already been planned and implemented are not sufficient for achieving this ambitious goal. In addition to the energy sector, the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions, German industry is also responsible for releasing considerable volumes of global warming gases. In its Climate Action Plan 2050, the Federal Government has for the first time set a sector target for industry. The present acatech POSITION PAPER analyses the options for (re)utilising and storing CO2 (Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)) which come into consideration for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from industrial processes. It is recommended that a wide-ranging public debate about the use of CCU and CCS be conducted in the near future. Only then will it be possible to take account of reservations about CCU and CCS, further develop suitable technology in good time and bring it to market maturity so that the necessary infrastructure can be planned, approved, funded and constructed.