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Journal Article

The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series


Gütschow,  Johannes
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Jeffery,  M. Louise
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Gieseke,  Robert
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Gebel,  Ronja
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Stevens,  David
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Krapp,  M.
External Organizations;

Rocha,  M.
External Organizations;

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Gütschow, J., Jeffery, M. L., Gieseke, R., Gebel, R., Stevens, D., Krapp, M., Rocha, M. (2016): The PRIMAP-hist national historical emissions time series. - Earth System Science Data, 8, 2, 571-603.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_21104
Abstract. To assess the history of greenhouse gas emissions and individual countries' contributions to emissions and climate change, detailed historical data are needed. We combine several published datasets to create a comprehensive set of emissions pathways for each country and Kyoto gas, covering the years 1850 to 2014 with yearly values, for all UNFCCC member states and most non-UNFCCC territories. The sectoral resolution is that of the main IPCC 1996 categories. Additional time series of CO2 are available for energy and industry subsectors. Country-resolved data are combined from different sources and supplemented using year-to-year growth rates from regionally resolved sources and numerical extrapolations to complete the dataset. Regional deforestation emissions are downscaled to country level using estimates of the deforested area obtained from potential vegetation and simulations of agricultural land. In this paper, we discuss the data sources and methods used and present the resulting dataset, including its limitations and uncertainties. The dataset is available from doi:10.5880/PIK.2016.003 and can be viewed on the website accompanying this paper (http://www.pik-potsdam.de/primap-live/primap-hist/).