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Private actors and food safety governance in the Accra City Region: Implications for local food policy


Arthur,  Hanson
External Organizations;


Thornton,  Alec
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

Tranter,  Paul
External Organizations;

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Arthur, H., Thornton, A., & Tranter, P. (2022). Private actors and food safety governance in the Accra City Region: Implications for local food policy. Cities, 131:. doi:10.1016/j.cities.2022.104069.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_28067
Globally, private actors and civil society groups are increasingly participating in food safety governance. Although prevalent in developed countries, the phenomenon is emerging in developing countries. Using certification schemes, actors behind these governance arrangements exercise responsibilities over the food system through the enforcement of best practices, the promotion and sale of certified products, and the communication of diverse value-laden product attributes to consumers through labels. In Ghana, a new food safety governance arrangement – the Ghana Green Label Foundation – has emerged through the collaboration of multiple state and non-state actors. The arrangement represents the first successful introduction of a co-regulation regime in Ghana, achieving local market adoption and consumer patronage. This article examines the evolution of the Foundation, highlighting its trajectory towards market entry, for possible transfer of lessons into other geographic contexts. The location of this study, with a large informal food market sector, as well as the interdependence on peripheral areas and other farther regions for food supply, provide a unique context for adding to the international food governance literature. The article makes recommendations on how local policymakers could sustain the Foundation to contribute to long-term social, economic, and environmental sustainability goals.