Datenschutzhinweis Impressum





Open Data in the Digital Economy: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective


Li,  Quin
External Organizations;

Pi,  Bin
External Organizations;

Feng,  Minyu
External Organizations;


Kurths,  Jürgen
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Li, Q., Pi, B., Feng, M., Kurths, J. (2024): Open Data in the Digital Economy: An Evolutionary Game Theory Perspective. - IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 11, 3, 3780-3791.

Open data, as an essential element in the sustainable development of the digital economy, is highly valued by many relevant sectors in the implementation process. However, most studies suppose that there are only data providers and users in the open data process and ignore the existence of data regulators. In order to establish long-term green supply relationships between multistakeholders, we hereby introduce data regulators and propose an evolutionary game model to observe the cooperation tendency of multistakeholders (data providers, users, and regulators). The newly proposed game model enables us to intensively study the trading behavior which can be realized as strategies and payoff functions of the data providers, users, and regulators. Besides, a replicator dynamic system is built to study evolutionary stable strategies of multistakeholders. In simulations, we investigate the evolution of the cooperation ratio as time progresses under different parameters, which is proved to be in agreement with our theoretical analysis. Furthermore, we explore the influence of the cost of data users to acquire data, the value of open data, the reward (penalty) from the regulators, and the data mining capability of data users to group strategies and uncover some regular patterns. Some meaningful results are also obtained through simulations, which can guide stakeholders to make better decisions in the future.