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Governance capacities in reflexive climate policymaking: the scope, role, and institutional arrangements of policy mix evaluation in the German domestic buildings sector


Edmondson,  Duncan L.
External Organizations;

Krafft,  Oskar
External Organizations;

Flachsland,  Christian
External Organizations;

van Ballegooy,  Christian
External Organizations;

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Edmondson, D. L., Krafft, O., Flachsland, C., & van Ballegooy, C.(2024). Governance capacities in reflexive climate policymaking: the scope, role, and institutional arrangements of policy mix evaluation in the German domestic buildings sector. Potsdam: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_29814
Residential buildings directly contribute 11% to local greenhouse gas emissions and up to 40% of total emissions when accounting for energy use for electricity generation. In order to achieve the climate targets in line with the Federal Climate Protection Act, increased ambition level of climate policy instruments is required in this sector. In this research, we are interested in the governance of this sector and the role of evaluation: the government-mandated processes used to evaluate policy in terms of the actors, organisations and ministries involved in executing and coordinating these processes; and the metrics and methods as well as the scope and granularity of evaluations.