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Normal mode spectra of hierarchical ensembles of interconnected oscillators


Safina,  O. S.
External Organizations;

Voronov,  A. V.
External Organizations;

Safin,  A. R.
External Organizations;

Bulatov,  M. F.
External Organizations;

Churikov,  D. V.
External Organizations;


Surovyatkina,  Elena
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Safina, O. S., Voronov, A. V., Safin, A. R., Bulatov, M. F., Churikov, D. V., & Surovyatkina, E. (2019). Normal mode spectra of hierarchical ensembles of interconnected oscillators. Technical Physics Letters, 45(9), 874-877. doi:10.1134/S1063785019090104.

引用: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_23654
A family of normal mode spectra of hierarchically organized ensembles of identical interconnected oscillators with different topology of the organization is constructed. It is shown that treelike ensembles possess a devil’s-staircase-type fractal spectrum of normal modes; the number of degenerate modes increases with an increase in the number of tree branches and with introduction of additional connections between elements of the ensemble. The effect of ensemble topologies and bond strengths between elements of the ensemble on spectral characteristics is analyzed.