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Journal Article

A forecast of staple crop production in Burkina Faso to enable early warnings of shortages in domestic food availability


Laudien,  Rahel
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Schauberger,  Bernhard
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Waid,  Jillian Lee
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;


Gornott,  Christoph
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research;

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Laudien, R., Schauberger, B., Waid, J. L., Gornott, C. (2022): A forecast of staple crop production in Burkina Faso to enable early warnings of shortages in domestic food availability. - Scientific Reports, 12, 1638.

Cite as: https://publications.pik-potsdam.de/pubman/item/item_26559
Almost half of the Burkinabe population is moderately or severely affected by food insecurity. With climate change, domestic food production may become more under pressure, further jeopardizing food security. In this study, we focus on the production of maize, sorghum and millet as staple cereal crops in Burkina Faso to assess food availability as one component of food security. Based on a statistical weather-driven crop model, we provide a within-season forecast of crop production 1 month before the harvest. Hindcast results from 1984 to 2018 produce an r2 of 0.95 in case of known harvest areas and an r2 of 0.88 when harvest areas are modelled instead. We compare actually supplied calories with those usually consumed from staple crops, allowing us to provide early information on shortages in domestic cereal production on the national level. Despite the—on average—sufficient domestic cereal production from maize, sorghum and millet, a considerable level of food insecurity prevails for large parts of the population. We suggest to consider such forecasts as an early warning signal for shortages in domestic staple crop production and encourage a comprehensive assessment of all dimensions of food security to rapidly develop counteractions for looming food crises.